Brain Hemorrhage

Staten Island Brain Hemorrhage Lawyer

If you suffered a brain hemorrhage, you are likely overwhelmed with your medical bills and injury’s symptoms. Initiating a personal injury claim can seem daunting at this time when you should be focusing on your healing and recovery. Yet, there’s help available. 

Since 1988, the personal injury attorneys at Dansker & Aspromonte Associates LLP have won more than $500 million in compensation for injured people. A Staten Island brain hemorrhage lawyer from our firm can manage everything your case requires from beginning to end. 

What Is a Brain Hemorrhage, and What Causes Them?

A brain hemorrhage is a form of stroke characterized by bleeding in or around the brain. Most often, accidental causes of brain bleeds involve a sudden blow or jolt to the head. 

A brain hemorrhage is typically categorized according to where it occurs in the brain. For instance, if a blood bleed develops between the brain and skull, it is either an epidural or subdural hematoma.

That being said, some causes of traumatic brain injuries include: 

No matter what caused your brain injury on Staten Island, our injury team is ready to fight for just compensation for each and every type of physical, emotional and monetary damage you sustained due to the someone else’s fault.

How Do I Know If I Have a Brain Hemorrhage? 

If you think you have (or suffered from) a brain hemorrhage, you should visit a healthcare provider as soon as possible. Any brain injury could be life-threatening––even if one thinks they can “tough it out.” 

Per Cleveland Clinic, some symptoms of a brain hemorrhage include: 

  • Head pain
  • Neck stiffness
  • Neck or back pain
  • Vision changes and sensitivity to light
  • Weakness, numbness, or tingling on one side of the face or body
  • Slurred speech
  • Lethargy
  • Confusion
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Behavioral changes
  • Fainting
  • Seizures
  • Loss of consciousness

For a free legal consultation with a brain hemorrhage lawyer serving Staten Island, call (646) 692-0204.

What Are Recoverable Damages in a Staten Island Brain Hemorrhage Case?

Your compensable losses may comprise: 

1. Economic Damages

Economic damages are relatively easy to evaluate because they are based on actual bills and work records. They are awarded to reimburse victims for monetary losses caused by a personal injury, such as: 

  • Ambulance rides
  • X-rays
  • Hospital stays
  • Emergency room visits
  • Physical and occupational therapy
  • Lost income and other job-related benefits, such as bonuses
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Childcare expenses
  • Transportation fees 

You may pursue and recover additional losses other than those listed here.  

2. Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are more challenging to estimate than economic damages because they are based on losses that don’t have precise dollar values. They hinge on the non-monetary impact of an injury and can include the following:

  • Pain and suffering. Pain and suffering is subjective. As a result, insurers and juries have to rely on many factors when determining its value, including the types of injuries you suffered and your anticipated recovery period. 
  • Mental anguish. In a personal injury case, victims may be entitled to compensation for the emotional distress suffered due to an injury. Like pain and suffering, emotional trauma can be challenging to calculate, but that’s not a problem for our team. 
  • Loss of consortium. If your injury negatively affected your relationship with your spouse, you can seek compensation for loss of consortium. Our team can explain more about this recoverable damage during your free case review. 

With the help of our brain hemorrhage lawyer from our firm, you may recover other expenses than those listed here. 

Staten Island brain hemorrhage lawyer near me: (646) 692-0204.

How a Lawyer from Dansker & Aspromonte Associates LLP Will Help

When you entrust your brain injury case to our team, the only thing you have to worry about is getting better. You can trust us to:

Explain Your Rights

If this is your first time filing an injury case, you might not understand your legal options. That’s where we come in. We will review your situation and explain what measures could secure compensation. 

You could: 

  • File a claim with the liable party. The liable insurer in your case will depend on how you were hurt. For instance, if you suffered harm in a collision, you could file a claim with your own insurance company to recover damages. You could also file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance policy (if applicable) 
  • File a lawsuit against the at-fault party. While most injury cases are resolved through settlements, some require going to court. If filing a lawsuit will recover what you need, we’re ready to do it! 

Offer Advice 

You don’t want to accept the first settlement offer that comes your way. After all, if you’re just starting treatment, you might not understand the severity of your condition. If you accept a settlement from the insurance company, your case ends, and you can’t ask for more money if your condition worsens. 

Our team will assess any settlement offers and explain whether they meet your needs. If not, we can negotiate for a better deal. 

Representing You in Court 

Litigation is complicated. First, we must file your case within the statute of limitations, outlined by CVP § 214. This means you generally have three years to file your lawsuit––although this deadline may be different if the negligent party is a municipality such as the City of New York, public agency or State government.

However, with a brain hemorrhage lawyer serving Staten Island on your side, you can trust that we’ll do everything possible to secure maximum compensation for all of your losses.

Click to contact our Staten Island personal injury lawyers today.

Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation on Your Case

At Dansker & Aspromonte Associates LLP, we passionately fight for each client who teams up with us. You can trust that we’ll protect you from bad faith insurance practices, consult with experts on your case, and advocate for what you deserve.

You can start your free case review with our firm now. If we accept your case, you will not be asked to pay any money upfront.  We only earn a legal fee when you recover compensation.

Call or text (646) 692-0204 or complete a free case evaluation form.

Focused on Your Recovery

    • Brain Damaged Child $50 Million

      A four-year-old boy was brought to the hospital for a routine eyelid repair. To cut costs, the hospital contracted out its anesthesia services to a third-party corporation.

    • Wrongful Death $21.5 Million

      This accident occurred in the Bronx when our client was working on a sanitation truck. The driver lost control while making a turn. Our client was ejected and the truck ran over his leg.

    • Pedestrian Injury $10.3 Million

      A 22-year-old theater intern was walking across the intersection of 42nd Street and Ninth Avenue in Manhattan when she was struck by the rear door of a passing truck which had flown open because it had been improperly secured by the driver.

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We serve clients throughout the New York City Metropolitan area, including Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, Staten Island, and Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Contact us for help today.

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