New York Personal Injury Lawyers






国家安全委员会是一个非营利组织。 其网站提供各种主题的内容和资源,围绕安全驾驶,安全带使用和预防车祸。
The 美国运输部,也称为DOT,是一个联邦机构,负责制定美国境内更安全旅行的法律和政策。
Medline Plus:机动车安全是由国家医学图书馆和国立卫生研究院创建的网站。 它提供了有关如何预防车祸的信息。
The 保险信息研究所可以让您了解汽车保险,汽车安全,青少年驾驶等等。

Defensive Driving是一个网站,教育司机如何驾驶更安全。 这包括提供有关在不同天气,停车场和速度限制下驾驶的信息。
分心驾驶破坏了生命 is an这篇文章讨论了我们在美国分心驾驶时遇到的主要问题。
停止激进驾驶是一篇文章,为计划驾车旅行提供了很好的建议,以便您有足够的时间到达那里。 它还谈到了当你遇到一个在路上咄咄逼人的司机时你应该做些什么。

Let Our Team Handle Your Case with Confidence

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Proven Record of Success

Dansker & Aspromonte Associates LLP has been advocating for the rights of the injured since 1986. We have the tools, resources, knowledge, and commitment to get you the best possible outcome.

Providing Answers & Solutions

Our team is committed to always being able to provide you with updates on your case and answers to your questions. This is your case and we want to be sure you are confident every step of the way.

Small Firm Dedication & Focus

Our firm is different from most firms in our area in that we are a “boutique” type firm that is small enough to give personal attention to our clients and yet experienced and powerful with a reputation as a hard-hitting litigation firm.

Innovative Legal Strategies

Each client that comes to our team gets a managing partner and trial partner dedicated to their case. We put our collective 100 years of experience behind your case to obtain the best possible outcome on your behalf.