It seems like practically everywhere you go you are being handed a waiver of liability to sign from people, locations and businesses trying to protect their interests. Most people sign such waivers out of pure habit without giving any thought to what rights they may be forfeiting. Still others believe that if they experience some sort of accident after signing a liability waiver that they have absolutely no recourse. However, does signing such a waiver really mean that you cannot file a personal injury lawsuit?
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In the state of New York, waivers of liability can, indeed, significantly limit legal actions if the documents clearly spell out limitations in proper legal wording. If this is the case with a waiver you signed before experiencing a personal injury accident, then you may not have sufficient legal standing in a New York court of law.Call us at (212) 540-2987 to know about personal injury liability waiver.
However, even well written liability waivers do not provide absolute watertight protection when it comes to personal injury lawsuits. There exist circumstances where good personal injury lawyers can still garner compensation for their clients. Those who own properties and businesses are still expected to apply precautions that prevent or limit injuries to those operating within their jurisdictions.
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Do not automatically assume that just because you signed a waiver of liability that you have no legal recourse. Our New York personal injury attorneys will investigate whether the waiver is binding and if negligence was involved in order to get you the monetary compensation you deserve.
We understand the complexities of personal injury law and have supported victims in cases ranging from auto accidents to construction accidents and wrongful death.
Call or text (212) 732-2929 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form