New York Personal Injury Lawyers





Signs Of Head Trauma


头部创伤是一个人可能承受的最严重的伤害之一。 如果不加以控制,头部创伤可能导致永久性脑损伤甚至死亡。 创伤性脑损伤通常发生在事故中,包括车祸,自行车事故和建筑工地事故。 如果您或您所爱的人患有头部创伤,您可能需要联系a 脑损伤律师审查你的案子。 以下是与头部创伤和脑震荡(轻度脑损伤)相关的一些常见症状,以及延迟性头部创伤中需要注意的内容。


头部创伤有许多症状,其中许多最初可能看起来有点温和。 在头部受伤后仔细观察这些症状非常重要:

• 失去平衡或难以直立•感到困惑•暂时失去记忆•感到恶心•头疼•经历耳鸣

很容易将其中一些症状误认为其他事情,这就是为什么跟踪头部受伤后发生的任何疼痛,疼痛或其他奇怪事件的原因非常重要。 如果你头上有任何小伤口或奇怪的疙瘩,即使你没有任何其他症状,你也可能有头部创伤。


Cranial CT Scan

• 失去意识•失去对肌肉的控制•癫痫发作•呕吐•无法控制您的眼球运动或运动异常•头部伤口出血

如果您出现任何这些严重症状,请尽快就医。 如果急救人员认为有人头部受伤,他们会在运送到医院之前稳定患者的颈部,头部和背部。 然后他们将进行X射线,CT扫描或MRI以确定损伤的程度。


在创伤事件发生后数天,数周甚至数月甚至数年,某人可能会出现脑震荡症状。 脑震荡后综合症,或在事故发生后三个月或更长时间内出现脑震荡症状,可持续数年。 所有遭受脑震荡的人中约有三分之一会出现某种形式的脑震荡后综合症。

轻度或严重头部创伤引起的任何症状都可以发生为脑震荡综合征。 常见问题包括头痛,呕吐,恶心,平衡麻烦,视力模糊,复视能力差,协调性差,甚至改变一个人如何品味或闻到某些东西。 有些人也可能会遇到认知问题,例如精神迷雾,情绪状态改变或睡眠困难。 同样重要的是,任何头部受伤后出现这些症状的人,即使几个月前受伤,也要去看医生。


如果您认为自己因意外事故而受伤,请务必与法律专业人士交谈并准备申诉。 脑损伤很难证明,特别是如果损伤非常小。 有可能MRI和CT扫描不会捡起它。 这就是为什么你需要一个熟悉这类病例的脑损伤律师,并且知道如何以正确的方式处理你的病例。

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Head trauma is one of the most serious injuries a person can incur. Left unchecked, head trauma can lead to permanent brain damage or even death. Traumatic brain injuries often occur from accidents, including car crashes, bicycle accidents, and accidents on construction sites. If you or a loved one has suffered from head trauma, you may need to contact a traumatic  brain injury lawyer to review your case. Here are some of the common symptoms associated with head trauma and concussions (mild brain injury) as well as what to look for in delayed head trauma.

Common Symptoms

There are a number of symptoms of head trauma, many of which may seem somewhat mild at first. It’s important that you carefully watch for these symptoms following any head injuries:

• Losing balance or having difficulty standing upright
• Feeling confused
• Temporarily losing your memory
• Feeling nauseated
• Having a headache
• Experiencing ringing in your ears

It’s easy to mistake some of these symptoms for other things, which is why it’s so important to keep track of any aches, pains, or other odd occurrences that happen after an injury to the head. If you have any small cuts or odd bumps on your head, you may also have head trauma, even if you don’t have any other symptoms.

In addition to these mild symptoms, some people suffer more severe troubles:

• Losing consciousness
• Losing control of your muscles
• Having seizures
• Vomiting
• Unable to control your eye movements or having abnormal movements
• Bleeding from head wounds

If you experience any of these severe symptoms, it’s important to seek medical attention quickly. If emergency personnel believe someone has had head trauma, they will stabilize the person’s neck, head, and back prior to transportation to the hospital. Then they will do an X-ray, CT scan, or MRI to determine the extent of the damage.

For a free legal consultation, call (212) 540-2987

Delayed Head Trauma

It’s possible for someone to suffer from concussion symptoms days, weeks, or even months and years after the traumatic event. Post-concussion syndrome, or showing concussion symptoms three months or more after an accident, can last for years. Around a third of all people who suffer from concussions will have some form of post-concussion syndrome.

Any of the symptoms that occur from mild or severe head trauma can occur as post-concussion syndrome. Common issues include headache, vomiting, nausea, trouble balancing, blurred vision, double vision, poor coordination, and even a change in how a person tastes or smells certain things. Some people may also experience cognitive issues such as feeling mentally foggy, changes in their emotional state, or difficulty sleeping. Again, it’s important that anyone who has these symptoms following a head injury, even if that injury was months ago, see a doctor.

How to File a Grievance

If you believe you have a brain injury due to an accident, it’s important that you speak to a legal professional and prepare a grievance. Brain injuries can be difficult to prove, especially if the damage is incredibly small. It’s possible MRIs and CT scans won’t pick it up. That’s why you need a brain damage lawyer who is familiar with these types of cases and will know how to approach your case the right way.

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