New York Personal Injury Lawyers





麻醉师和注册护士麻醉师(CRNAs)几乎在所有主要外科手术中都发挥着至关重要的作用。 虽然麻醉错误和事故很少,但结果可能是永久性致残甚至是致命的。 通常,家庭成员不确定究竟发生了什么以及医疗事故是否是一个因素。


Dansker& Dons经验丰富的纽约麻醉医疗事故律师。 Aspromonte在这里帮助您和您的家人。 我们将提供免费咨询,以了解所发生的情况并确定是否需要进一步调查。 如果您有一个有效的索赔,我们准备好了它的距离 – 就像我们在几千个案例中一样,为整个纽约市区的客户提供数亿美元的回收。

我们公司的律师非常有能力评估您的潜在麻醉错误诉讼,另一种类型手术错误,或任何其他严重的医疗疏忽索赔。 事实上,我们成功的审判律师从未失去医疗事故案件。

  • 麻醉过量导致脑损伤,昏迷或非法死亡
  • 疏忽准备麻醉 – 例如未能解释患者体内已知的过敏症或其他药物
  • 未能在恢复和麻醉下监测患者以防止氧气剥夺和脑损伤或其他破坏性后果

在30多年来专注于严重伤害案件的过程中,我们帮助了许多家庭成员患有永久性,改变生活的残疾的人。 我们不仅与有资格评估所发生事件的医生建立了密切的关系,而且还与经济学家,生活护理规划人员以及其他对于证明医疗错误对您生活的全面财务影响至关重要的人员建立了密切的关系。


如果你怀疑医疗事故严重伤害您或导致您身边的人死亡,请致电(888) 585-8807或随时联系我们的律师。

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Proven Record of Success

Dansker & Aspromonte Associates LLP has been advocating for the rights of the injured since 1986. We have the tools, resources, knowledge, and commitment to get you the best possible outcome.

Providing Answers & Solutions

Our team is committed to always being able to provide you with updates on your case and answers to your questions. This is your case and we want to be sure you are confident every step of the way.

Small Firm Dedication & Focus

Our firm is different from most firms in our area in that we are a “boutique” type firm that is small enough to give personal attention to our clients and yet experienced and powerful with a reputation as a hard-hitting litigation firm.

Innovative Legal Strategies

Each client that comes to our team gets a managing partner and trial partner dedicated to their case. We put our collective 100 years of experience behind your case to obtain the best possible outcome on your behalf.