New York Personal Injury Lawyers

We Speak Español &





Restraint Injury


在疗养院使用不当可能会导致严重的伤害,并且在某些情况下会导致窒息。 在适当和必要时不使用限制可能会导致跌倒造成严重伤害。 如果您的家人在养老院或老年护理机构受到束缚伤害,请联系我们获取免费 关于您的选择的初步咨询。在Dansker& Aspromonte,我们的律师处理疗养院疏忽的案件在曼哈顿,布鲁克林,布朗克斯和皇后区,在史坦顿岛和长岛或纽约的任何地方。 在过去的35年里,我们的律师已经为我们的客户获得了数亿美元的赔偿。


纽约的养老院只允许使用束缚,以确保居民的人身安全。 例如,有跌倒风险的患者可以在他或她的轮椅中受到约束以防止受伤。 过度或不受监督使用限制措施以及在需要时未能使用限制措施导致居民受伤会对疗养院造成责任。我们的律师彻底调查了约束伤的案件。 我们将寻找以下问题的答案:

  • 是否使用了医生授权的束缚?
  • 养老院工作人员是否以医生授权的正确方式使用了约束类型?
  • 疗养院是否不恰当地使用药物来镇静病人?
  • 使用束缚是否构成虐待老人?
  • 养老院在需要时是否未能使用束缚?



如果家庭成员因在疗养院或老人护理机构使用束缚而受到伤害,我们的律师会随时为您提供帮助。 致电 与经验丰富的纽约市养老院滥用律师联系。

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Proven Record of Success

Dansker & Aspromonte Associates LLP has been advocating for the rights of the injured since 1986. We have the tools, resources, knowledge, and commitment to get you the best possible outcome.

Providing Answers & Solutions

Our team is committed to always being able to provide you with updates on your case and answers to your questions. This is your case and we want to be sure you are confident every step of the way.

Small Firm Dedication & Focus

Our firm is different from most firms in our area in that we are a “boutique” type firm that is small enough to give personal attention to our clients and yet experienced and powerful with a reputation as a hard-hitting litigation firm.

Innovative Legal Strategies

Each client that comes to our team gets a managing partner and trial partner dedicated to their case. We put our collective 100 years of experience behind your case to obtain the best possible outcome on your behalf.