New York Personal Injury Lawyers

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The Train Accident Lawyer In New York City


火车事故很少,感谢上帝,但当一个人出现时,结果往往是灾难性的。 最近的Metro-North事故就是一个例子。

有许多复杂因素可能会对像Metro-North这样的公共拥有的主要铁路线提起诉讼。 大都会运输管理局或MTA由纽约州立法机构于1965年租用,拥有并经营铁路线。如果一个人打算因火车事故而起诉,你需要知道几件事情。关于针对MTA的索赔,提交文件的时间限制为90天有意提出索赔.对于Metro-North,没有索赔通知,但您必须在事故发生后一年内提出解决方案要求。对于除死亡以外的伤害,限制法规定为一年,如果是死亡则延长至两年。关于AMTRAK事故,由于AMTRAK是联邦政府拥有和运营的火车线路,因此必须根据“联邦侵权索赔法”提起诉讼,并且法律规定将由联邦法院提起诉讼。 一个人可以在曼哈顿的联邦法院提起诉讼,但由于事故通常不在纽约州发生,因此适用事故发生的州的法律而不是纽约法律。在工作中受伤的联邦火车工人不在工人赔偿范围内,他们受FELA“联邦雇员劳动法”的保护。 它与工人的Comp不同,因为你可以在这种情况下起诉你的雇主铁路,而在传统的工人的Comp中,你不能。任何时候一个人打算提起诉讼,他们应该确保他们所保留的公司在复杂的火车事故诉讼世界中经验丰富,知识渊博。 我们希望它永远不会发生,但是当它发生时, Dansker&Aspromonte律师事务所 随时准备提供帮助。

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Proven Record of Success

Dansker & Aspromonte Associates LLP has been advocating for the rights of the injured since 1986. We have the tools, resources, knowledge, and commitment to get you the best possible outcome.

Providing Answers & Solutions

Our team is committed to always being able to provide you with updates on your case and answers to your questions. This is your case and we want to be sure you are confident every step of the way.

Small Firm Dedication & Focus

Our firm is different from most firms in our area in that we are a “boutique” type firm that is small enough to give personal attention to our clients and yet experienced and powerful with a reputation as a hard-hitting litigation firm.

Innovative Legal Strategies

Each client that comes to our team gets a managing partner and trial partner dedicated to their case. We put our collective 100 years of experience behind your case to obtain the best possible outcome on your behalf.